It's really challenging as my character is almost 30 years older than I actually am and she's quite a major figure in the play. I'm also really excited cause I get to sing a couple of lines and rap (the Chinese style/ 双簧) too!
Wanna see how I portray her? Do catch "The Match In The Ring" and support all of us!
To purchase tickets, please call hotline 8186 4714 or 9488 4141.
2 shows are already sold out. The available shows: 17 July (Sat) 3pm, 18 July (Sun) 7.30pm.
Tickets are priced at $20. If you're a friend who wants to support us, do email me and I can get tickets slightly cheaper for you =)
Eight characters. 5 different challenges. They all have their side of the story and nobody is all right nor wrong but when problems inflate like a big balloon about to burst in someone's face, tension gets high, making the stressed one seemingly more right than the other. How do we keep the flame we had
before one got married, before children, before everything got complicated, tiring and chore orientated? Everyone were happily matched, ring on finger and a lifetime together but now it's time for a different kind of match in the commitment ring.
Lily wished Robert could be more involved in the family. Tim wished Mei Fang could stay at home and be the mother her child needs. Liang wished time could turn back before everything was out of hand and Susan wants to be happy again.
Will they all find what they want or some things just won't change...
Let the match begin.
丽丽真希望她的老公国平可以把心思放在家里和家人的身上。她这几年做得也累了。她不知道为何国平就是莫不关心。。 一家之主不是老公应该当的吗? 国平觉得每天忙忙碌碌的做工赚钱,为什么还是不够昵? 丽丽到底要的是什么? 郑杰很想美芳留在家里照顾孩子,做一个贤妻良母。可是美芳刚刚才坐上旅馆经理的职位,积极的想闯出一番事业。郑杰会支持她吗? 阿梁多么希望时光能倒流。。回到从前。。那他现在也就只有寂寞,而不是深深的遗憾。阿周和愫敏相处了整三十七年,阿周一直以来都很照顾家。只是他大男人主义的做法,让愫敏觉得他非常自私,只顾自己而没顾到愫敏的感受。他们的爱到哪里去了?
我们每天过的生活,心里所珍惜的: 在家人,朋友,爱情和婚姻里,要到失去了才能够说吗? 难道做而不说,是不够的吗?
Does life change us, or do we change life and then live with the choices we made, either in defeat or as if facing a battle?
It's always a fine line, isn't it? =)
Thanks for dropping by girlgeum! Very interesting blog you have there, and I always admired people who can engage people through writing. Alas, I'm not one of them.
Are you an Asian living in US?
Not Asian. I'm from the Bahamas.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I love creativity.
And I agree with you, it's a fine line, or rather fine lines that get knotted sometimes.
Oh! Hi from Singapore!
Hah yes, though we try to keep the lines straight, perhaps sometimes we can just enjoy the various patterns of the knots.. =)
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