Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rehearsals and More Rehearsals

Been really busy since the past week!

Rehearsals for December Rains (DR) have started, which runs daily from Monday to Friday for 6 hours. After which, for 3 times a week, Jae Leung (also an ensemble member) and myself will gobble our dinner and 'pia' (rush) down to Match In The Ring's (MITR) rehearsal in the evening.

Though it's tiring, I'm totally enjoying myself! We had our first script reading and singing last Friday, and I was in absolute bliss hearing all the beautiful voices filling up the room.

I guess nothing more need to be said about Kit Chan's singing, her voice is just awesome and she sang with so much emotions, even for a rehearsal! I just sat there and wowed..

George Chan's technique is also flawless, and he's really a rare talent who excels in all areas of singing, dancing and acting. I wanna be like him! Erm, ok, I think I don't really want to Excel in the dancing part, maybe just good enough to sing and dance at the same time. Haha..

Anyway, moving on to Jeffrey Low, the other lead in DR, his voice has this tinge of vulnerability, which is very unique. Maybe he added that due to his character and how he wants to portray the songs. After one of his heart-wrenching solo, I still had a heavy heart even as we moved to the next scene. Such, is the power of good music, good lyrics and a good singer.

Even the main cast singers were great, but I shall talk more about them the next time. It's time for me to memorise my MITR script again and instill it into my system. If only I can burn the script and drink it and the words will all be absorbed into my brain and body..

Before that, here's a photo of me and Kit during rehearsal! I finally garnered the guts to ask her for a pic, throwing all possibilities of being seen as starstruck, out the window. She was very nice about it, and gave permission for this to be put on my fb/blog/social sites.

Photoshop-ed the background so I won't reveal anything about the costumes. .

And make use of the promotion for the month of June!
Seeya at December Rains, in August 2010!

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