Sunday, June 6, 2010

POP! by TheSundayClub - Flea Market @ Heart of God Church

I'm so glad I signed up for the flea! Decided to price my AllDolledUp! items at $10 just for the flea, and sold a lot of stuff, especially the vintage accessories like these!

There were lots more I brought in, and they were selling like hot cakes! There were also some new clothes that were sold out and a customer even wanted to 'bribe' another customer into giving up the top to her, by paying her more!

The flea was mainly targeted at the youths in Heart of God Church, and as usual, the youths were awesome =) . Extremely helpful and very organised. The only worry I had would be during the fashion competition, where participants would take items from the participating stalls to dress their model up - what if my item goes missing amidst the crowd and chaos?

Well, I just went in faith that everything will go in order, and I think I had everything back bah. It's gonna be a tedious task of checking stock tomorrow, cause I also missed recording down a few purchases!

I was also really happy to receive a compliment that one of the youths made to another youth (and that youth then told me directly), that I'm very pretty and very nice and 亲切! Ah, totally made my day.. Heh.. Yes, the wonders of make-up, and of course a great attitude always wins!

I also must thank my girl friend who came down to help me, she was really really wonderful in setting up, selling stuff, and always took the initiative to do things for me. I mean, I'm the stall owner, I should actually be doing most of the stuff right? Thanks so much babe, seriously, what would I do without you!

We were so busy and tired that we forgot to take a picture of ourselves and our booth! ARGH!

Nvm, so I dug out a photo of Heart of God Church during service, as well as my lovely friend, Fengyi =)

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