Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rehearsals and More Rehearsals

Been really busy since the past week!

Rehearsals for December Rains (DR) have started, which runs daily from Monday to Friday for 6 hours. After which, for 3 times a week, Jae Leung (also an ensemble member) and myself will gobble our dinner and 'pia' (rush) down to Match In The Ring's (MITR) rehearsal in the evening.

Though it's tiring, I'm totally enjoying myself! We had our first script reading and singing last Friday, and I was in absolute bliss hearing all the beautiful voices filling up the room.

I guess nothing more need to be said about Kit Chan's singing, her voice is just awesome and she sang with so much emotions, even for a rehearsal! I just sat there and wowed..

George Chan's technique is also flawless, and he's really a rare talent who excels in all areas of singing, dancing and acting. I wanna be like him! Erm, ok, I think I don't really want to Excel in the dancing part, maybe just good enough to sing and dance at the same time. Haha..

Anyway, moving on to Jeffrey Low, the other lead in DR, his voice has this tinge of vulnerability, which is very unique. Maybe he added that due to his character and how he wants to portray the songs. After one of his heart-wrenching solo, I still had a heavy heart even as we moved to the next scene. Such, is the power of good music, good lyrics and a good singer.

Even the main cast singers were great, but I shall talk more about them the next time. It's time for me to memorise my MITR script again and instill it into my system. If only I can burn the script and drink it and the words will all be absorbed into my brain and body..

Before that, here's a photo of me and Kit during rehearsal! I finally garnered the guts to ask her for a pic, throwing all possibilities of being seen as starstruck, out the window. She was very nice about it, and gave permission for this to be put on my fb/blog/social sites.

Photoshop-ed the background so I won't reveal anything about the costumes. .

And make use of the promotion for the month of June!
Seeya at December Rains, in August 2010!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Upcoming Stage Play - "The Match In The Ring"

Here's some info and a poster of the upcoming Chinese stage play that I'm involved in. I'm playing the role of Lily, a 54 year old woman/wife/mother.

It's really challenging as my character is almost 30 years older than I actually am and she's quite a major figure in the play. I'm also really excited cause I get to sing a couple of lines and rap (the Chinese style/ 双簧) too!

Wanna see how I portray her? Do catch "The Match In The Ring" and support all of us!

To purchase tickets, please call hotline 8186 4714 or 9488 4141.

2 shows are already sold out. The available shows: 17 July (Sat) 3pm, 18 July (Sun) 7.30pm.

Tickets are priced at $20. If you're a friend who wants to support us, do email me and I can get tickets slightly cheaper for you =)


The Match In The Ring

Eight characters. 5 different challenges. They all have their side of the story and nobody is all right nor wrong but when problems inflate like a big balloon about to burst in someone's face, tension gets high, making the stressed one seemingly more right than the other. How do we keep the flame we had
before one got married, before children, before everything got complicated, tiring and chore orientated? Everyone were happily matched, ring on finger and a lifetime together but now it's time for a different kind of match in the commitment ring.

Lily wished Robert could be more involved in the family. Tim wished Mei Fang could stay at home and be the mother her child needs. Liang wished time could turn back before everything was out of hand and Susan wants to be happy again.

Will they all find what they want or some things just won't change...

Let the match begin.


丽丽真希望她的老公国平可以把心思放在家里和家人的身上。她这几年做得也累了。她不知道为何国平就是莫不关心。。 一家之主不是老公应该当的吗? 国平觉得每天忙忙碌碌的做工赚钱,为什么还是不够昵? 丽丽到底要的是什么? 郑杰很想美芳留在家里照顾孩子,做一个贤妻良母。可是美芳刚刚才坐上旅馆经理的职位,积极的想闯出一番事业。郑杰会支持她吗? 阿梁多么希望时光能倒流。。回到从前。。那他现在也就只有寂寞,而不是深深的遗憾。阿周和愫敏相处了整三十七年,阿周一直以来都很照顾家。只是他大男人主义的做法,让愫敏觉得他非常自私,只顾自己而没顾到愫敏的感受。他们的爱到哪里去了?

我们每天过的生活,心里所珍惜的: 在家人,朋友,爱情和婚姻里,要到失去了才能够说吗? 难道做而不说,是不够的吗?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

POP! by TheSundayClub - Flea Market @ Heart of God Church

I'm so glad I signed up for the flea! Decided to price my AllDolledUp! items at $10 just for the flea, and sold a lot of stuff, especially the vintage accessories like these!

There were lots more I brought in, and they were selling like hot cakes! There were also some new clothes that were sold out and a customer even wanted to 'bribe' another customer into giving up the top to her, by paying her more!

The flea was mainly targeted at the youths in Heart of God Church, and as usual, the youths were awesome =) . Extremely helpful and very organised. The only worry I had would be during the fashion competition, where participants would take items from the participating stalls to dress their model up - what if my item goes missing amidst the crowd and chaos?

Well, I just went in faith that everything will go in order, and I think I had everything back bah. It's gonna be a tedious task of checking stock tomorrow, cause I also missed recording down a few purchases!

I was also really happy to receive a compliment that one of the youths made to another youth (and that youth then told me directly), that I'm very pretty and very nice and 亲切! Ah, totally made my day.. Heh.. Yes, the wonders of make-up, and of course a great attitude always wins!

I also must thank my girl friend who came down to help me, she was really really wonderful in setting up, selling stuff, and always took the initiative to do things for me. I mean, I'm the stall owner, I should actually be doing most of the stuff right? Thanks so much babe, seriously, what would I do without you!

We were so busy and tired that we forgot to take a picture of ourselves and our booth! ARGH!

Nvm, so I dug out a photo of Heart of God Church during service, as well as my lovely friend, Fengyi =)

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Reel: Short Film - A Pair of Happiness

A short film I acted in Jan 2010 for Andrea Lim's final year project from Temasek Polytechnic Design School.

During their screening, one of her classmates cried, something had struck a chord with her. I'm so touched to hear that, cause that's one main thing I hope to achieve as an actress/singer - impact people through my performance. =)


The death of her parents brought them together, the only family that Amy has left is her grandfather, Lim Hock. Amy, now a grown woman, is stepping forward into a new phase of her life, marriage.

Since the death of his wife, Lim Hock, has always lived alone. After decades of solitude later, he now faces the challenge of expressing his love, for his only granddaughter.

As the misunderstandings build up, how can the two seek to save their only kin? - each other.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Review: Liese Hair Dye

Yeah, I finally dyed my hair after a year or more!

I used Liese's Marshmallow Brown, applied about 15mins once through the entire head, and continued piling more and more foam all over for another 20mins till the bottle was almost empty, and left it on for another 10mins before I washed off.

 This is the end result at Day 0.

There's unevenness in the colour, some parts brighter than others, but I guess that's bound to happen somewhat when you dye by yourself. At least I did feel that the foam was easier to apply and go under to the bottom layers of hair than the traditional kind of DIY dye.

I'm happy with the overall results, at least I don't look as fierce as I did and my hair is not half black and half brown now!

The colour is also supposed to get lighter/brighter as you wash for a few more times.

Item: Liese Hair Dye in Marshmallow Brown
Price: $15.80
Bought at: Ocean, Chinatown (3rd level, above the hawker centre, can't remember the building name)
Rating (out of 5):