Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HOAX: BBC Flashnews of Radiation leak in Singapore

People.. If you've received the sms/email/tweet/fb status that talks about the radiation leak confirmed by BBC Flashnews:

Hoax SMS

Do NOT believe it nor forward it! It's totally a hoax that will only spread unnecessary panic in the country.

For credible reports on latest updates as well as why the sms contents are false, visit Channelnewsasia's report and also the Department of Science and Technology in Philippines.

Meanwhile, I received a link to help Japan by sending Socks For Japan. It's coordinated by Jason Kelly, an American author of 8 books, including The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing, a BusinessWeek best seller now in its 2010 edition, and who has lived in Japan since 2002.

Some guidelines:
  1. Send only new socks.
  2. Group similar socks in one package. (Male / Female / Sizes)
  3. List package contents on the package.
  4. Enclose a short care letter. Victims of the 1995 Hanshin quake in Kobe said that care letters were among the most uplifting items they received. If you enclose a care letter, provide a copy of it for each pair of socks you send.
  5. Write your email address on the package. Jason will send you a note once they receive your package.
Ship to: Jason Kelly, Plaza Kei 101, Wakamatsu-cho 615-6, Sano, Tochigi 327-0846 Japan. Or bing it down to our office by Mar 20 and I'll have yours shipped too.

Several reasons. Many of the victims ended up barefoot after fleeing in a hurry. In the disaster zone, feet get wet and then extra cold at night. People often forget about socks in favor of more obvious items like blankets and jackets. Receiving a new, fresh pair of socks provides a moment of comfort. If those socks arrive with a caring note as well, it’s very heartening for victims. If you’ve ever been stuck in a pair of wet, cold socks or no socks at all, perhaps you remember how soothing it felt to pull on a warm, dry pair.
Socks For Japan

Another way for you to do your part!

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