Thursday, July 29, 2010

Makeup Sponsor by MAC Cosmetics

MAC cosmetics kindly sponsored makeup for the cast of December Rains, and guess what? We get to keep them! How awesome is that?? I was so excited and kept ogling when I received them. I think they would have cost at least $200? Utterly blessed!

The goodies. Thank you MAC!

We used them straightaway as we had a full dress run in the afternoon. Some of our cast members at the makeup area.

* Photo below courtesy of Lee Lian

My final makeup look

And now for the hair! Photo shows some of the wigs by our hair designer, Ashley, that we will don. 
There's a really funky one that I absolutely love and most others get freaked by! And I have the honour of wearing it.. Heh.. You really have to see it for yourself to feel the impact!

* Photo below courtesy of Lee Lian

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