Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Peek into My Room

Gosh, I'm shifting house, or more accurately, I'm shifting room, in close to 3 weeks time!

It's quite a nightmare just thinking how to pack all my stuff in ONE room, that I marvel how people pack and move the entire house.

I shifted out of my parents' house in April 2010, and am staying with 2 other friends in a rented flat. Whenever someone asks me why I moved out, my reply would always be the same, "家家有本难念的经啊". I guess I've always been very independent too, staying in hall during university days, working in USA as a summer camp counselor for 3 months, traveling alone most times for another month after. Thus staying on my own now isn't a difficult thing.

Well, this time, I'm moving to stay with my grandparents and aunt. They very kindly offered to house me when my current lease is up, until I get married. Not sure how long that will be, but I relish at the thought of having home cooked food. All these years of eating oily and MSG-filled food, or having to content with my mediocre cooking skills, do make me fully appreciate hot meals cooked with love. And of course, nothing beats being together with family.

Perhaps because I have been so independent and took care of myself for so long, I yearn to be taken care of. But I absolutely refuse to simply find a man, get married and set up a family, just to achieve that. We  must have similar values and vision in God, we must be able to communicate, he must have the fear of God and integrity, I must be able to submit to him, and probably a never-ending list of "criteria" =X

Anyway, I digress.. I'm looking forward to moving! Although it's a headache planning where to place which furniture..

Here's some pics of my current room, as promised long ago.. =)

Looks really neat right? Didn't last long lah.. Haha..